Blogger Layouts

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Absent but not gone

My real job has kept me so busy I barely have time to visit my family. So posting has been forgotten.

I was able to inspect the hives about a month ago. All looked well. I currenly have a hive that the bees are "bearding" at the entrance. I need to get in and take a look but for now I am swamped at work. I hope they don't swarm before I can get to them.


Bee Magic Chronicles for Kids said...

Hey Curtis, I can so identify with you! I've been so busy that it's been a struggle to keep up.

Sometimes we just have to save the good stuff to report on later :)

Bees are bearding here too becuase of the heat and yes there's been some swarming.

Glad to hear the bees are doing well.